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10 AM RWV Women's Coffee & RWV Birthday Celebration - Senior Center - Indoors, In-person
About this event
RWV Women's Coffee and Birthday Celebration - Indoors, In-person
When: Coffee on Wednesday Mornings, 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM (Birthday celebrations every other month as announced.)
Where: Multnomah Arts Center, Senior Center, 7688 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 [Click on the Google Map icon (below) for the location of the Senior Center.]
Description: Gather to talk and get to know others. All are welcome; come get to know us!. Bring a beverage or enjoy the Senior Center coffee or tea by the cup with a donation.
Birthday Celebration: On March 5th we will celebrate Gwen Pierce's 101st Birthday! We also would like to honor others in the RWV community who have birthdays in March and April. If you have a birthday in March or April, please join us! Cake and beverages will be provided.
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