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HomeEvents1 PM RWV No Guilt Book Club - Shalom House - Indoors, In person

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1 PM RWV No Guilt Book Club - Shalom House - Indoors, In person

About this event

When:  Monthly on a Monday from 1:00 until 2:30 PM

Where:  St. Luke Lutheran Church's Shalom House, SW California St. (off SW. 45th Ave) Portland OR  [Click on the Google Map icon (below) for the event location.]   Park in the church parking lot near the House.

No Registration Required

Description:  Enjoy learning about books from other members. Informal, fun, no need to always have a title to share. Yes, this is "no guilt", no required reading. Come check us out!

Date and Time

Monday, February 3, 2025, 1:00 PM until 2:30 PM


St Luke Lutheran Church, Shalom Center
4545 SW California St
Portland, OR  97219


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Registration Info

Registration is not Required