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11:30 AM RWV Potluck Luncheon - Indoors, In person
About this event
RWV Potluck Luncheon, In Person, Indoors
When: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Where: Patricia Whiting Hall in Tigard's Metzger Park, 8400 SW Hemlock, Tigard 97223 (Parking in Park off SW Hemlock St, which is off Hall Blvd)
Description: RWV Potluck Luncheon - Indoors, In-Person River West Village is having its monthly potluck lunch on Tuesday! Bring a dish to share and your own plate, utensils and beverage. We'll have a good time eating, appreciating the variety of food, and learning what's happening in our lives.
The dining hall has great ventilation, is supplied with tables and chairs, and a piano. There is a full kitchen: range, refrigerator, coffee maker & microwave. We wash our own dishes and cleanup as we depart. This is a neighborhood park with some parking close to the door; additional parking is scattered around the park.
Please click on the Google Map icon (below) for the location of the luncheon and parking.
Event Contact(s)
Janet Liu
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