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HomeEvents10 AM RWV Kanopy Movie Group Discussion - Online via Zoom

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10 AM RWV Kanopy Movie Group Discussion - Online via Zoom

Date and Time

Thursday, May 16, 2024, 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM


Discussion online via Zoom



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RWV Kanopy Movie Group Discussion - Online via Zoom

Join the Third Thursday's RWV Movie Group discussion via Zoom at 10 AM

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 
839 8032 9472
Attend by phone:

Movie this Month:  It's Basic -The Documentary (2023).  When the Coronavirus pandemic threw livelihoods into uncertainty and consequently spurred the creation of multiple direct government assistance programs, every American was give first-hand experience with the concept of Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), an idea that has been proposed in the US for nearly as long as it has been in existence. By this point several cities has already begun GBI pilot programs in which they provided $500 to $1,000 per month to a select group of people for one year.


It's Basic is an eye-opening look at the power of cash to transform lives and communities, and it’s a powerful call to action for policymakers to invest in guaranteed income in order to build a more just and equitable society.  The film chronicles the causes of pervasive poverty and the rise of the “working poor”, as well as ways that GBI has manifested in recent American history and why it is now seeing a resurgence in public and government interest.

Official movie trailer:

Watch the movie via the web application "Kanopy" anytime before the discussion date and bring your comments and insights to the online meeting.  (This film also may be available for viewing on Amazon Prime.)

To sign up for Kanopy:   Kanopy is free with your Multnomah or Washington County library card. On the Multnomah County Library website, go to the blue toolbar and click on E-Books and More. From the dropdown menu, select E-Books and More. Kanopy is the first listing under Streaming Media. Click on Kanopy and follow instructions. []  For Washington County, go to the toolbar at the top and choose Digital Library. Then select Kanopy and follow the directions [].