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9:30 AM Sunnyside East Village Coffee Break - In-person, indoors
About this event
Sunnyside East Village Coffee Break - In-person, Indoors
When: Thursday, May 16th 2024, 9:30 until 11:00 AM THE THIRD THURSDAY IS THE NEW DAY FOR THE MONTHLY COFFEE BREAK!
Where: New Seasons Market Cafe, 15861 Happy Valley Town Center Drive, Happy Valley OR We will be meeting in the New Seasons Market cafe area, just inside the store. Click on Google Map icon (below) for event location.
Description: Social connections are critical to living a healthy lifestyle and the Coffee Break offers an opportunity to connect with others who are interested in the Village Movement. You will also get updates on Sunnyside East Village’s progress. Gather for Coffee Break in the New Seasons Market café area, just inside the store. Mark your calendar for the third Thursday of each month for Coffee Break.
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