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HomeEvents10 AM RWV Walking Group - Pendleton Park Play Area - Outdoors, In Person

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10 AM RWV Walking Group - Pendleton Park Play Area - Outdoors, In Person

About this event

RWV Walking Group - Pendleton Park Play Area - Outdoors, In Person

Where:  Meet at Pendleton Park Play Area, 5405 SW Iowa Street Portland, OR 97221

When:  10 AM every Friday morning. 

Anyone can join. The length of the walk is about 1.5 miles at a very moderate pace. Please be prompt; The group starts walking no later than 10:05 a.m.

Dogs are welcome.

Meet near the picnic table near playground area.  Look for Janet Hummel or Kay Cashman. Alternate start locations can be discussed and the group could split into fast and slower walkers if there are enough participants.

Click on the Google Map icon to see location of Pendelton Park.

Date and Time

Friday, May 3, 2024, 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM


Pendleton Park Play Area (look for play equipment through the trees)
5405 SW Iowa St
Portland, OR  97221


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