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HomeEvents10 AM RWV Men's (& Women's) Coffee - In-Person Indoors at the Senior Center - LOCATION CHANGE

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10 AM RWV Men's (& Women's) Coffee - In-Person Indoors at the Senior Center - LOCATION CHANGE

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Neighborhood House Senior Center at Multnomah Arts Center
7688 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR  97219


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Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

RWV Men's (& Women's) Coffee - In-Person Informal Social Event - AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE SENIOR CENTER THIS DATE ONLY -   10 AM - 12 PM

When:  Every Wednesday, from 10:00 AM until Noon, Pacific.

Location: Neighborhood House Senior Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, 97219 (Located inside the Multnomah Arts Center.)  LOCATION CHANGED TO SENIOR CENTER THIS DATE ONLY FOR MAY/JUNE BIRTHDAY PARTY.

DescriptionCelebrate the May/June birthdays along with the Women's Coffee folks at the Senior Center - today only!  Birthday cake provided!  Informal social event for men involved with River West Village each Wednesday morning.  It is a great way to get acquainted and learn more about the Village. Please join us for general discussions, ideas, and community.  Everyone welcome!

Click on the Google icon (above) for the Men's and Women's Coffee location.